Welcome Back Trivia

Katie Hopkins
March 8, 2022

It was a dark and stormy night . . . and I am personally very impressed by everyone who risked the rain and came to LitSoc’s welcome back trivia.

The night started with a welcome and Acknowledgement of Country from our President Zara and Events Director Serena before we dove straight into the trivia. 

LitSoc trivia powerpoint title page

We began with Book to Movie Adaptations, with questions ranging from classics like Sense and Sensibility, to 2021 favourites such as West Side Story.

The second round was Booktok and was, in my opinion, the hardest round because so many of the books had been released so recently. That might just be me, though. These questions highlighted some of our favourite (The Song of Achilles) and least favourite (The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue) books, many of which were LitSoc classics.

Halfway through we took a break for a pizza dinner, a chat and a bit of friendly banter. 

Round 3: Classics powerpoint page

The third round was Classics, where our knowledge was really tested. Questions about high school English essentials, such as The Crucible, To Kill a Mockingbird, and The Handmaid’s Tale, really tested our memories. Who remembered how many proposals Emma receives in Jane Austen’s Emma, anyway?

The last round of the night was Books We Grew Up With, a nice throwback to the YA and children's novels of our childhood. From Percy Jackson to Divergent to Harry Potter, this round really ramped up the nostalgia and brought a satisfying close to our competition.

Congratulations to the winning teams.

Tolkein About Trivia team with their mugs
Tolkein About Trivia came third, winning adorable mugs, chocolates and LitSoc merch. 
Norman-ly Reading Right Now and their books
In second was Norman-ly Reading Right Now, who won a bag of second-hand books kindly donated to LitSoc.
Winning team, Chantel-letubbies
And in first place were the Chantel-letubbies, who impressed us all with their bookish knowledge and won Booktopia vouchers.

Thanks again to everyone who came, and I certainly suspect that this will not be the last LitSoc trivia night.